So, I'm doing something a bit different, in the fact that I'm reviewing a WHOLE series here, but these books deserve a review and they deserve what I have to say about them (well, at least I think they do)
There are currently 10 books in the series, and here's the reading order
So, the thing that I love about these books is actually the fact that they are all pretty much stand alone books after the first one. The main character - Xandra - is a witch-fairy, as you might have gathered from the title of the series. With that comes a lot of responsibility, power and challenges. In each book, Xandra faces a new challenge, building on her powers and her knowledge of the magical universe.
The only thing that might not make sense if you skipped books would be the characters, because she picks up a couple new characters in each book with each new challenge, but after that she just builds up on her existing characters with a new challenge.
These books are easy reads that have me up until 3 in the morning whenever they come out, and has me laughing and turning just one more page...(or not!) The books are well written with fast-paced action and just enough suspense to keep you going. There aren't any hideous grammatical mistakes, or spelling mistakes, or sentences that don't work, and it all flows really well.
I love the characters and the whole idea behind it. It's not just settled on the one battle, or prophecy, or incident or something like most books are. Of course there is a central battle/prophecy/incident but it doesn't take control of the plot. It's not a quest to the end of a challenge, it's a whole lot of challenges that just keep coming. But isn't that what life is? Life isn't just going to be one humongous challenge that, once complete, goes away for the rest of forever. Life is a whole lot of challenges that let you build up yourself, your friends and family, and your life experiences. That's what Xandra's tales are, and as much as they are larger problems than ours and much different, it's a representation.
I also love, love, love, love how Bonnie doesn't end every single book with cliff-hangers. I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes cliffhangers just seem...desperate. Like, 'please, read the next book! I'm going to withhold information from you and leave it at a crucial point so you have to keep reading!'
The way that Bonnie ends the books are gentle, open ends that leave room for you to dwell on the incidents and come to terms with what's happened and whatever and come back to the next book ready for the next challenge without feeling like you're in a perpetual state of waiting.
I mean, cmon guys. We know that authors can't spit out a book just like that and have it ready for us, and so cliffhangers are just cruel sometimes. Altogether, Bonnie's books and the way they are written are light-hearted, easy reads that just pull you back in for more with their charming characters and adventurous spirit! These books are not books to miss!
Oh, and if you're worried about getting bored with the series and stopping because 10 books are just too many, it really doesn't happen with this series. Normally I can't get passed book 5 or 6, but these are just so great I could read them for the rest of my life!!
So pick up a copy (did I mention book 1 is free at the moment?) and get reading!!
Oh, I should also mention that there are half books told from Kallens POV (if you don't know who that is then don't worry for the moment). I haven't read any of them so if you have let me know if it's good and if I read them I'll be sure to let you know what I think!
All the best!!
Queen of Reading,
Keep reading, forget the dreaming!